Laparoscopy Specialist

Surgery of Tomorrow -  - Gynecologic Surgery

Surgery of Tomorrow

Gynecologic Surgery & OB/GYNs located in Midwood, Brooklyn, NY

If you experience new or unusual gynecological symptoms or require minimally invasive surgery, you can trust the highly trained experts at Surgery of Tomorrow, LLC, in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York City, to provide exceptional care. They use the latest advances in laparoscopy to diagnose OB/GYN conditions or perform surgical procedures with optimal precision and accuracy. To find out if laparoscopy is right for you, schedule an appointment at Surgery of Tomorrow, LLC, by phone or online today.

Laparoscopy Q & A

What is laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy at Surgery of Tomorrow, LLC, is a surgical procedure that allows your doctor to view the inside of your pelvic area using a laparoscope, or a thin viewing tube attached to a tiny camera. Your provider might recommend a laparoscopy to diagnose a gynecological condition or complete minimally invasive gynecological surgery.

Why might I require laparoscopy?

To find out if you’re a good candidate for diagnostic or surgical laparoscopy, your provider reviews your symptoms and medical history. They complete a pelvic examination and might recommend blood tests, tissue biopsies, ultrasound, or other imaging procedures. 

Laparoscopy is often useful for:

  • Diagnosing gynecological conditions
  • Hysterectomies
  • Fibroid or cyst removal
  • Endometriosis treatment
  • Tubal ligation or occlusion
  • Vaginal reconstruction
  • Ovarian drilling for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Other minimally invasive gynecological procedures

Your provider might recommend you undergo laparoscopy if you experience pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, infertility, or other symptoms of a gynecological problem, or you desire permanent birth control.

What are the benefits of laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy offers many benefits over traditional open surgeries. The incisions are small, contributing to less bleeding, a lower risk of complications, smaller scars, and shorter recovery times. They are also most often outpatient procedures.

What should I expect during the laparoscopy?

Follow your provider’s instructions prior to laparoscopic procedures at Surgery of Tomorrow, LLC. Stop taking certain medications and arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure. Avoid eating or drinking anything on the morning of surgery.

You have anesthesia to put you to sleep, so you don’t feel pain during laparoscopy. Your surgeon makes tiny incisions near your lower abdominal area and uses a laparoscope to view the inside of your pelvic area, take tissue biopsies, remove tissues or organs, or make repairs. The length of time your surgery lasts depends on the type of procedure you receive.

What happens after the procedure?

After laparoscopy, your surgeon closes the incisions and takes you to a recovery area. You head home the same day of your procedure. Follow your provider’s post-surgery instructions. Avoid strenuous activity until you’re given the okay, take medications as prescribed, and attend follow-up appointments as needed.

If you’re a candidate for laparoscopy, you can trust the highly-trained team at Surgery of Tomorrow, LLC, with your care. Schedule an appointment over the phone or online today.